Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Lips Are All The Rage

Feb 1, 2016 @ 07:57 PM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Lip Augmentation Lip Fillers Dr Wiener New Image Plastic Surgery

There are many reasons why women desire fuller, softer lips but there is no denying that lip augmentations are one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures requested.  Full lips complement your confident smile and counteract signs of aging, which provide a younger appearance and let's face it... a full pair of juicy lips are incredibly sexy! 

Each pair of lips are uniquely beautiful which means that not all lip augmentations are the same.  While injectable fillers is the most common procedure, it is not the only option available to most patients.  Dr. Wiener and New Image Plastic Surgery are proud to offer a variety of options to provide you with sexy, fuller lips to give you the confidence you deserve!

Injectable Fillers
Dr Wiener will strategically inject FDA-approved fillers made of hyaluronic acid into the lips to add shape and fullness. The benefits of this procedure are that it takes only a few minutes, requires no downtime, and is relatively painless.  Results can be seen immediately and last about six months, at which point many patients return for additional treatments, which makes this a great option for patients who aren't ready to commit to a more permanent solution. 

Lip Implants
Implants are most commonly known for being used for the breasts, buttocks and calves but it makes sense that they can be used for the lips as well.  During a lip implant procedure, Dr. Wiener makes small incisions on the inside corners of the mouth and then strategically inserts silicone implants into the lips to enhance their shape and size. This procedure requires a bit longer downtime than fillers - typically a week to 10 days is required to recover.  Pain can be easily controlled with prescribed medication to alleviate any discomfort following the procedure. There are no visible scars since they are concealed inside the mouth, and the results are permanent.

Fat Transfer
This option for lip augmentation has a few great benefits... in addition to enhancing your lips, you can also remove some annoying fat from another area of your body.  During a fat transfer, Dr. Wiener removes fat from one area of the body and injects it into the lips to enhance their appearance. Since it is the patient’s own body fat, there is no risk of an adverse reaction to a foreign filler or implant in the body. Since this procedure affects both your lips and the part of the body the fat is taken from, you may experience slightly more discomfort than your other options.  The downtime is minimal and typically only requires a few days.  A fat transfer procedure leaves you with no scars on the lips and the results are long-lasting and possibly permanent. 

If you would like to get more information about getting a lip augmentation, contact Dr. Wiener at New Image Plastic Surgery to schedule your complimentary consultation.  Dr. Wiener can discuss your options in greater detail and help you determine which lip augmentation is right for you.  Schedule your free consultation with Dr. Wiener at New Image Plastic Surgery by calling 480.596.6886.  We look forward to meeting you!