Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Facelift Surgery

Feb 3, 2016 @ 08:31 PM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Facelift Dr Wiener New Image Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery Scottsdale

Facelift surgery, or Rhytidectomy, is a comprehensive surgical procedure for facial rejuvenation of the aging face and neck.  It is one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures today but there is a tremendous amount of confusion about what a facelift is though. 

You have probably seen numerous names of facelift procedures, such as a short scar facelift, mini-facelift, lunch time facelift, liquid facelift, deep-plane facelift and composite facelift.  The traditional and "gold-standard" facelift involves a n incision in front of and behind the ear.  This also involves lifting, and tightening the skin, combined with elevation and tightening of the deeper facial support tissues, known as the SMAS (Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System).  This results in removal of excess and loose skin, tightening of the underlying tissues and muscles and redraping of the skin of the neck and face.  Short scars, non-invasive therapy, and fillers do not elevate and re-position the deeper tissues, resulting in less noticeable and shorter lasting results. 

The loss of youthful facial appearance is due to aging, heredity, weight loss, gravity, sun exposure, skin care and stress.  Most facelift procedures are done in individuals in their fifties and sixties, however, recent trends have been to extend this into the seventies and eighties.  We are even seeing many patients in their late thirties and forties receive a facelift.  As we age, sagging of our facial skin occurs, deep creases and lines become more prominent.  Loss of skin tone and elasticity results in jowling, double chins and neck laxity. 

Facelift surgery does not change your appearance, but restores a younger version of yourself, with a youthful facial appearance.  If you are interested in getting a facelift along with another facial procedure, such as eyelid surgery, brow lift, fat transfer, and laser skin resurfacing, Dr. Wiener will often be able to complete these procedures at the same time as your facelift.  

Facelift results can last seven to ten years, and typically make you look ten to fifteen years younger.  Facelift surgery remains the gold standard for re contouring and rejuvenation of the neck and jawline. 

While many think of facelifts and instantly think of an overly tight face with obvious visible scars, Dr. Wiener specializes in more natural looking facelifts that take years off, without looking too overdone. 

If you are interested in getting a facelift, contact Dr. Wiener at New Image Plastic Surgery for your free consultation!