Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Breast Reduction Recovery Timeline: What to Expect

Jan 24, 2019 @ 11:51 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Reduction

When a woman's breasts are overly large, it can result in a number of problems, ranging from neck and back pain to difficulty exercising. Over time, these issues can compound, causing increasing levels of discomfort and pain.

Breast reduction surgery reduces the size of breasts while maintaining their natural shape. The results are natural looking and can increase a patient’s mobility while improving the appearance of her bustline.

Dr. Steven Wiener is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has been performing breast reduction surgery in Arizona since 1998. Dr. Wiener and our staff at New Image Plastic Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ explore the breast reduction recovery timeline so patients know what to anticipate during treatment.

Preparing for Your Recovery

Breast reduction is a major surgery, meaning significant time (especially immediately following the surgery) must be set aside for rest and recovery.

Items such as loose-fitting clothing, washcloths, and topical ointments or creams should be ready for your use before the procedure is performed.

On the day of the surgery, plan for someone to drive you home. It is recommended that a friend or family member be available during the first night following the surgery.

Recovery Tips and Instructions

The duration of your recovery varies depending on the extent of the treatment. Typically, the initial bruising, pain, and swelling subsides two to four weeks after breast reduction.

Wear Your Support Bra

Immediately after surgery, wear your support bra over your bandages to minimize swelling during the healing process. Continue to wear your support bra until Dr. Wiener advises you to stop.

Bandages and Drains

During your follow-up appointments, Dr. Wiener will let you know when bandages and stitches can be removed.

In some cases, we may place a drain at the incision site. This small plastic tube may be temporarily applied under the skin to aid in the drainage of excess blood or fluid.

Taking Time Off Work and Exercise

It is generally advised that patients take at least one week off work while.

In addition, patients should avoid excess movement or lifting for about six weeks after surgery.


Over several months following the procedure, the appearance of scars from the operation will begin to fade.

The results of breast reduction surgery are long-lasting but not permanent. Maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle are two ways to preserve the results of breast reduction.

Candidacy for Breast Reduction Surgery

Overly large breasts can lead to many issues, including emotional and health problems. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the following are reasons to consider breast reduction surgery:

Dr. Wiener will guide you through the breast surgery process, from the initial consultation to surgery and recovery.

Find Out If Breast Reduction Surgery Is Right for You

Excessively large breasts can cause physical and emotional stress. Breast reduction surgery can improve your self-esteem, ease neck and shoulder pain, and give you greater physical mobility.

Dr. Wiener is dedicated to providing the best care for patients. He will discuss the benefits and expected recovery time for breast reduction surgery. To set up your first free consultation, contact our office online or call (480) 596-6886.