Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Breast Augmentation Recovery: Patient Healing Information

Jul 12, 2018 @ 10:10 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation Breast Implants Breast Enhancement Recovery

Countless patients at our Scottsdale, AZ plastic surgery practice have benefited from breast augmentation. Carefully placed implants can enhance the size and improve the overall shape and contour of the breasts. For the best possible results, breast augmentation patients should adhere to their post-op instructions for recovery.

Below, we want to cover some of the basics when it comes to breast augmentation recovery. This should give you a good idea of what to expect as you heal.

Taking Time Off from Work

Most breast augmentation patients will want to take at least one week off from work. This allows patients to recuperate enough to return to normal job duties that do not require strenuous physical activity. Certain tasks may need to be restricted or modified for at least a week or so, allowing the patient to fully heal.

If you work in a physically demanding profession, it will be crucial to take additional time off in order to prevent complications or issues with surgical results.

Pain and Discomfort

Pain and discomfort are both common side effects after surgery. Getting proper rest and taking prescription pain killers as directed should help manage soreness. You can switch to over-the-counter pain relievers as the discomfort becomes less pronounced.


Bruising around the breasts, particularly the incision sites, is normal. Major bruising lasts for about two weeks, with residual discoloration lasting for about two more weeks after that.


Swelling is also common after you’ve undergone breast augmentation surgery. Major swelling is present for about two weeks, with less noticeable swelling persisting for about two weeks after that. Keep in mind that minor, residual swelling can last for several weeks or more after surgery.

Surgical Bra and Dressings

Your plastic surgeon will give you instructions on how and when to change surgical dressings as you heal from surgery. Be sure to follow these instructions closely. In the first weeks of recovery, be sure to wear your surgical bra as much as possible. This will offer support and help improve the final results.

Sponge Baths

Patients will need to wait about two weeks before taking a shower. Instead, sponge baths with lukewarm water and a damp washcloth will be ideal. You may be instructed to avoid touching the breasts directly to prevent pain and avoid potential infection.

Breast Sensitivity

Numb or sensitive breasts, particularly nipples, are common after surgery. These should not be issues after a few weeks of recovery, and patients ought to notice steady improvements in breast sensation as time passes.

Walk a Little Bit Each Day to Promote Circulation

While rest is important, all plastic surgery patients are told to walk around a little bit each day. This helps prevent the formation of blood clots in the legs (deep vein thrombosis), which can cause severe complications if they form. Keep the walking brief and light around your home, gradually increasing walking time to help you return to normal physical activity.

Post-Surgical Scarring

Post-surgical scarring is a reality after any surgery is performed. All efforts are made to limit the size of incisions and help ensure the scarring is minimal. Over time, the scars will fade an become far less noticeable.

Attend All Follow-Up Visits as Scheduled

Be sure to attend all of your follow-up visits following breast augmentation surgery. This will give your plastic surgeon a chance to monitor your recovery process and offer additional advice and insight about proper healing. You can express any concerns in person and receive proper attention and care.

Contact Dr. Steven H. Wiener

For more information about breast augmentation surgery and what you can expect from the process, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic surgeon. The team at New Image Plastic Surgery is here to help you look your best and feel great in the process.