Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Breast Augmentation Statistics

Oct 23, 2018 @ 09:52 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Many women place a lot of value on the size and shape of their bustline. The breasts are often considered a defining feminine feature, and one that can enhance the overall figure. Unfortunately, if a woman has small breasts, she may not feel as confident or beautiful as she would like.

Breast augmentation enlarges the breasts and improves breast shape to give women the curvier figure they desire. Year after year, breast augmentation continues to rank as one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures.

Here, experienced plastic surgeon Steven Wiener presents some breast augmentation statistics to educate our Scottsdale, AZ patients a little more about this highly sought-after cosmetic treatment.

Continual Popularity of Breast Augmentation

For the past several decades, breast augmentation has consistently been ranked among the most popular plastic surgery procedures. According to data collected by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), it has held the top surgical spot since 2006.

In 2017, there were just over 300,000 breast augmentation procedures performed by plastic surgeons belonging to ASPS. This was a 3 percent increase from the number of breast augmentation procedures performed in 2016, and a 41 percent increase in the number of breast augmentation procedures performed in 2010.

Breast Augmentation Patients

Breast augmentation is appropriate for women of virtually any age, so it is one of the few plastic surgery procedures that ranks as one of the most popular among nearly all age groups, the exception being patients aged 55 and over.

According to ASPS statistics, 37 percent of patients who underwent breast augmentation in 2017 were between the ages of 30 and 39. Patients between the ages of 20 and 29, and those aged 40 to 54 were not far behind, with these age groups each accounting for 29 percent of the total breast augmentation procedures for the year.

One factor that seems to influence the likelihood of a woman undergoing breast augmentation is the part of the country in which she lives. Overall, women from the mountain and Pacific states (from Colorado to Hawaii) underwent more than 100,000 breast augmentation procedures, which is 36 percent of the total breast augmentation procedures performed for the year.

That this region accounted for one-third of all cosmetic surgeries performed in 2017.

Implant Options

Breast augmentation can be personalized in a number of ways, which likely accounts for its high popularity. Breast implants themselves can be customized by size, shape, and type.

One of the biggest decisions patients have to make is the choice of saline or silicone implants. After putting a restriction on silicone implants in 1992, the FDA approved them for cosmetic enhancement again in 2006. Since then, they have gained popularity.

By 2010 the distribution of saline and silicone implants was about 50/50, but now most plastic surgeons report that the majority of their patients opt for silicone implants.

Contact Us

If you are considering breast augmentation and would like to learn more about this cosmetic procedure, contact us at your earliest convenience. Dr. Steven Wiener is happy to answer any questions you may have about patient candidacy, the surgical procedure, or recovery.