Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Tummy Tuck Side Effects

Feb 20, 2019 @ 12:12 PM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

If diet and exercise are not delivering the toned midsection you desire, you may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck. This Tummy tuck surgery removes excess skin from your lower abdomen and tightens your abdominal muscles, resulting in a more toned-looking stomach area.

Dr. Steven Wiener is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Scottsdale, AZ with more than 20 years of professional experience. If you wish to pursue the benefits of a tummy tuck or related cosmetic procedure, Dr. Wiener will discuss the procedure and possible tummy tuck side effects so you can make an informed decision.

Any surgery comes with the possibility of post-procedure side effects. Here are the common side effects that are associated with tummy tuck surgery.

Bruising and Swelling

Patients can expect noticeable bruising and swelling to last one to two weeks after surgery.

Light skin discoloration can last up a month after your tummy tuck. Swelling can last for several months after surgery. However, the majority of the swelling is typically gone after six weeks.

One way to manage swelling is to wear your compression garment as Dr. Wiener directs. The elastic garment is designed to fit snuggly around your torso, providing support and protecting your surgical site.

Light to Moderate Pain

Light to moderate pain should be expected in the days following surgery. Discomfort will be most pronounced near the incision sites. Pain will gradually subside day by day after your procedure. Dr. Wiener will prescribe pain relievers as needed.

Numbness and Tingling

Tummy tucks affects the nerves and blood vessels in the lower abdominal area. As a result, patients often experience tingling, numbness, itching, and other odd sensations during the recovery period. As the skin and nerves heal, these sensations will subside as well.


Scarring is a natural result of surgery. Dr. Wiener will minimize the appearance of scars and will perform your tummy tuck with the smallest incision length possible.

Over the course of several months, the scar tissue will begin to better match the surrounding skin. The prominence of the scar will fade over the years.

Reducing the Severity of Your Side Effects

Avoid strenuous activity, but engaging in light walking, and carefully following your recovery guidelines can ensure that your procedure side effects are minimal.

Of course, discomfort and swelling are expected after any type of surgery. The best way to avoid more serious complications such as infections and blood clots is to undergo treatment with a trusted plastic surgeon such as Dr. Wiener.

How a Tummy Tuck Works

During your surgery, Dr. Wiener will make a horizontal incision near your groin to gain access to the underlying tissue. Excess skin will be removed. Your abdominal muscles will be tightened. Finally, the incisions will be closed with sutures, adhesives, or a special type of medical tape.

Learn How You Can Benefit from a Tummy Tuck

Dr. Wiener will be glad to discuss any questions you may have about the potential side effects that can result from a tummy tuck. While momentary discomfort is a part of any surgical procedure, the results from a tummy tuck can last a lifetime, especially when paired with a healthy lifestyle.

If you are ready to begin exploring the benefits of this cosmetic procedure, contact our office online or call (480) 596-6886.