Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Breast Implant Revision for Capsular Contracture

Mar 10, 2019 @ 11:00 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation

Year after year, breast augmentation ranks among the most frequently performed plastic surgery procedures. Breast augmentation involves the placement of breast implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. The results of breast augmentation are overwhelmingly positive, which accounts for the popularity of this procedure.

While most breast augmentation procedures are successful, there is always a chance of complications. Surgical complications are extremely rare among breast augmentation patients, but for those who do deal with setbacks, capsular contracture is one of the more common issues.

Dr. Steven Wiener can perform breast implant revision for capsular contracture to give our Scottsdale, AZ patients the surgical results they desire.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Capsular contracture is a breast augmentation complication that can cause the breasts to look or feel unnatural. In its most advanced stages, capsular contracture can even cause physical discomfort or pain.

When a breast implant is placed, the body recognizes it as a foreign object. As the body heals from surgery, it will create a pocket of tissue, or a capsule, around the implant. Normal capsules consist of a thin layer of tissue that still gives the implant room to move around slightly so that it looks and feels like natural breast tissue.

When a patient experiences capsular contracture, the capsule surrounding a breast implant grows thick. This thick tissue will squeeze the implant, leaving it little or no room to move.

When capsular contracture is advanced, the breast will feel hard to the touch, and the implant may be pushed up to an unnaturally high position, leaving the breast looking slightly deformed.

The Revision Procedure

Breast implant revision is the most effective treatment for capsular contracture, especially when the condition has reached an advanced stage. Breast implant revision is an outpatient procedure that is performed with the patient under the effects of general anesthesia, just like the initial breast augmentation.

During revision surgery, Dr. Wiener opens up the breast so that he can remove the breast implant and the capsule that surrounds it. The entire breast implant pocket will be cleaned out so that any infection that may have caused the capsular contracture to begin with is eliminated.

When the old implant has been removed and the implant pocket has been cleaned, a new implant will be put in place. In some cases, the new implant will be placed in the same location as the old implant.

However, in other cases, Dr. Wiener will create a new implant pocket. For instance, if an implant was initially placed in front of the chest muscles, the new implant may be placed behind the chest muscles during revision surgery.

After the new implant has been placed, the incisions will be closed and the recovery process will begin.

Can I Get Capsular Contracture Again?

When breast implant revision for capsular contracture is performed, it has a high rate of success. Most patients recover from surgery smoothly and experience no further complications.

However, it is possible for capsular contracture to recur. We will take all steps to reduce the chance of recurrence.

Contact Us

If you are experiencing capsular contracture after undergoing breast augmentation, revision surgery may be just what you need to get the natural-looking breasts you desire. To learn more about this procedure, contact us at your earliest convenience, or call (480) 596-6886 to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Steven Wiener.