Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

How to Reduce the Appearance of Tummy Tuck Scars

Jul 7, 2019 @ 11:00 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Tummy Tuck

Patients who are concerned about stubborn excess skin in the midsection can benefit from a tummy tuck procedure at our Scottsdale, AZ practice. This procedure delivers a flatter, leaner, more toned abdomen.

Like any surgical procedure, it is important to have a full understanding of the treatment process. Here, Dr. Steven Weiner explains how to reduce the appearance of tummy tuck scars for optimal aesthetic results.

What Can I Do before My Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Before undergoing surgery, patients need to know what to expect. During your consultation with Dr. Weiner, talk with him about the incisions he will need to make. Bring up any specific concerns you have about scarring and ask what your scar might look like.

Depending on the technique used, you may have a U- or V-shaped scar. We encourage patients to bring a pair of favorite underwear or bikini bottoms to the initial appointment. This can help you visualize the location of your incision in relation to your panty line.

Patients scheduled for a tummy tuck procedure should avoid tobacco products for at least six weeks prior to (and after) surgery. Smoking has a negative impact on the healing process; quitting will help reduce the risk of complications.

What Can I Do after My Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Now that we have discussed pre-operative preparation, we will talk about the recovery period. In the sections below, we’ll offer four tips for reducing the appearance of your tummy tuck scars after your surgery at our Scottsdale practice.

#1: Follow All Post-operative Guidelines

Every patient is provided with a comprehensive list of instructions. It is essential to follow these precisely to promote healing and enjoy a comfortable, successful recovery. Here are a few basic guidelines:

#2: Use Topical Vitamin E

Pure Vitamin E oil can be moisturizing and soothing to the surgical area once the incision has closed. Some research even suggests that it improves the appearance of scars. Simply apply the oil to the scar at least once a day for the first eight weeks. Once the incision has healed, the oil can be used to massage the area. Ask your doctor before using Vitamin E.

#3: Wear Sunscreen Daily

Surgical scars react differently than normal skin. If exposed to the sunlight, your tummy tuck scar could become darker than the surrounding tissue. Be sure to wear sunscreen every single day for at least one year after your surgery.

To protect the skin from harmful UV rays, wear sunscreen every day - period. There are even special formulas created specifically for scars. For the best results, wear SPF 30 or higher.

#4: Monitor for Signs of Infection

Part of recovery is keeping your incisions clean and free from bacteria. This not only keeps you healthy, but it also reduces the risk of scarring. Call our office right away if you notice:

Contact Our Practice to Learn More

Being well-informed is the first step to a successful tummy tuck recovery. To learn more, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Weiner, contact our practice online or call us in Scottsdale at (480) 596-6886.