Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Breast Lift Scars: What to Expect

Nov 11, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Lift

Breast lift surgery removes excess skin from the breasts to lift the bustline. Breast lift surgery restores a firmer, perkier bustline that more closely resembles the breasts that most women enjoy in their youth.

While breast lift surgery can greatly enhance the appearance of the breasts, many women are concerned about what types of scars will be left after surgery. Plastic surgeon Steven Wiener discusses breast lift scars with our Scottsdale, AZ, patients prior to their procedure to help them be well prepared for the scars that develop after surgery.

Incision Options

The type of breast lift scar that is present after surgery depends entirely on the incision, or technique, that is used for the breast lift procedure. There are a number of techniques that may be used, but the incision that is best for each patient will depend on the degree of sagging that is present.

How Visible Will My Scars Be?

The location and length of scars will depend on the technique that is used. No matter which technique is used, scars will be completely hidden when a woman is clothed, and scarring can be concealed when a woman is in a low-cut top or bikini.

The darkness and visibility of a scar when a woman is naked will vary from one patient to another. Most scars start off red and raised. As the skin heals, scars should fade to pink and, eventually, white. Scars should also get flatter and less obvious as the skin continues to heal. However, the degree of scarring that is left once incisions completely heal depends on factors such as the tone, texture, and shade of our Scottsdale patients’ skin.

Caring for Surgical Scars

Scars are unavoidable after breast lift surgery, but with proper care our Scottsdale patients can encourage healing so that scarring is less noticeable. Patients should consider these tips when caring for surgical scars:

Contact Our Practice

Pregnancy, age, and fluctuations in weight can all leave the breasts looking saggy and deflated. If you would like to learn more about a breast lift procedure or the other breast surgeries offered by Dr. Steven Wiener, contact our practice at your earliest convenience. You can also schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Wiener by calling (480) 596-6886.