Steven H. Wiener, M.D.

Breast Augmentation for Tubular Breasts

Jan 24, 2021 @ 01:35 PM — by Steven Wiener M.D.
Tagged with: Breast Augmentation For Tubular Breasts

The size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts can be a significant concern for a women. Many women seek out breast augmentation to enhance the size of smaller breasts. However, for some the issue goes beyond breast size. For instance, tubular breasts tend to be smaller in size, but they are also misshaped and can be asymmetrical. 

Breast augmentation addresses tubular breasts to give women a larger, shapelier, and more symmetrical bustline. Plastic surgeon Steven Wiener can help women in the Scottsdale, AZ, area consider how breast augmentation can enhance the shape of tubular breasts so that they feel more confident in their appearance.

What Causes Tubular Breasts?

Tubular breasts occur during puberty. They are the result of malformation of the connective tissues within the breasts. Even though tubular breasts develop during puberty, there is no indication that they are a genetic condition, meaning that the condition does not seem to be passed down from a mother to her daughter.

Characteristics of Tubular Breasts

Tubular breasts appear to be long and narrow in shape rather than round. The nipple and areola on tubular breasts usually appear pointed or puffy, and often point downward. This, combined with the tubular shape of the breasts, can make the breasts look long and saggy, instead of perky and youthful. This is further exaggerated by the fact that the skin between the nipple and the breast crease is usually shorter on tubular breasts, so the breasts appear to droop down.

When a woman develops tubular breasts, both breasts are usually affected. However, the characteristics of each breast can differ, depending on how severely the tissues are malformed. As a result, many of our Scottsdale patients with tubular breasts also have asymmetry, causing the two breasts to look vastly different in shape and size.

Tubular breasts can make it difficult to find bras and clothing that fit properly. Many women may feel self-conscious about tubular breasts and embarrassed to wear swimwear or other clothing that reveals the bustline. 

Correcting Tubular Breasts through Breast Augmentation

The most effective way to correct the appearance of tubular breasts is with breast augmentation. During breast augmentation surgery, breast implants are inserted into the base of the breasts. Implants fill out the chest cavity to enhance the size of the breasts. 

Implants can also improve the shape of tubular breasts by widening the base so they look rounder in appearance. By filling out the breast tissue, breast implants lift the nipple and areola and make them sit flatter against the breast, so that they do not look pointed and do not have such a downward projection.

Finally, breast augmentation is completely customizable, which allows Dr. Wiener to correct asymmetry. We can adjust the size and shape of each implant so that the breasts are more symmetrical after treatment.

Additional Treatment

For many of Dr. Wiener’s Scottsdale patients, breast augmentation is enough to correct tubular breasts. However, if malformation is severe, we may need to perform a breast lift along with breast augmentation. A lift repositions breast tissues and lifts the nipple and areola to a higher position on the chest wall. This can do a great deal to reverse the tubular appearance.

Contact Our Practice

If you are bothered by the appearance of tubular breasts, you may be an ideal candidate for breast augmentation. To discuss your concerns with Dr. Steven Wiener, send us a message online at your earliest convenience, or call (480) 596-6886 to schedule a consultation.