Breast Augmentation for Athletes
Female athletes tend to have good muscle definition and low body fat. While this may create the toned arms, abs, and legs that most people desire, it can also leave women with a lack of curves, particularly in the chest area. Athletes who have small breasts may want to consider breast augmentation to add volume to the bustline so that they can enjoy a more traditionally feminine figure.
At our Scottsdale, AZ, cosmetic surgery practice, Dr. Steven Wiener customizes all aspects of breast augmentation for athletes. This allows patients to enjoy natural-looking enhancement that gives them the contours they desire without interfering with their physical activities or capabilities.
Implant Size
Implant size is one of the most important considerations when customizing breast augmentation. Although the goal of treatment is to enhance the breasts, it is important not to go too far by choosing implants that are too large to complement a thinner, toner athletic frame. To maintain natural-looking results, and to avoid implants that will impede with an active lifestyle, we suggest that athletes opt for small to moderate sized implants.
Implant Type
The type of implant that is used for breast augmentation is also important. Since athletes have good muscle tone and minimal body fat, their skin is likely to be firm. Without extra skin or body fat to help implants blend in, it is especially important to choose an implant that looks and feels like natural body tissues. Silicone implants replicate the look and feel of body fat better than silicone implants, so they tend to be best for those of our Scottsdale patients who are athletes.
Implant Placement
A final aspect to consider when customizing a breast augmentation procedure is implant placement. Implants may be placed either above or below the chest muscle. Again, the goal of treatment is to achieve the most natural-looking results. Athletes generally have little breast tissue, which makes them poor candidates for placement above the chest muscle. By placing implants below the chest muscle, Dr. Wiener can give his patients natural results that won’t alter even if exercise builds up the chest muscles even further.
Recovering from Breast Augmentation
Recovery is vital to the ultimate success of breast augmentation. This process can be tough for our athletic patients because they must refrain from physical activity while the body heals. While walking can be resumed early on in the recovery process, all strenuous activities, such as running and lifting, need to be avoided for at least six to eight weeks. Our Scottsdale patients will need to get the okay from Dr. Wiener before they reintroduce their normal exercise routine.
Adapting to Breast Implants
When performing breast augmentation for athletes, we strive to provide implants that enhance the figure without interfering with physical activities. Still, it may take patients some time to adjust to their new body contours. Even small implants can slightly throw off the center of balance or alter the range of motion. Fortunately, most patients are able to adapt pretty quickly and find that they can lift, run, and participate in sports without their new implants getting in the way.
Contact Us
Breast augmentation gives female athletes the chance to enjoy a more feminine figure without compromising their strength or build. If you would like to talk to Dr. Steven Wiener about how breast augmentation could benefit you, call (480) 596-6886 to schedule a personal consultation at your earliest convenience.